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 Percussions, batterie, compositions


Michel Deltruc

Born on December 31, 1959 in Paris, he leaves the Paris area to settle down in the East of France where he meets  music craftsmen among who he will evolve to become ‘the sounds alchemist’. This personal trademark will lead him to be noticed in the musical universe of his area.

 From 1980 to 1983, he works with bands with dance and theatre backgrounds that point him the way to jazz and improvisation. After a music therapy training session in Trossingnen, Germany, he starts a percussion instruments workshop for the handicapped which will last 3 years. He takes part in the ‘SAGA DE NAJA’ creation, ordered by the ‘Nancy Jazz Pulsations’ festival. That same year, he takes part to the creation of ‘TOM ET L’OMBRE’ (Tom and the Shadow) by the Ormont theatre, and joins the ‘COLOPHON’ trio.

 From 1984 to 1986, he tours in Poland with Colophon, and in France with Burton Greene. With Colophon, he takes part in the CNAJMI meetings in Le Havre, and to the creation of David FANSHAVE’s ‘AFRICAN SANCTUS’, a work for percussion instruments, voices, magnetic tapes. He tours with the GRADUS AD MUSICAM with the Carmina Burana show, plays a concert in the Nancy Jazz Pulsations festival  with the MISTER BIRD band and, finally, is the drummer of the Nancy Jazz Action’s creation ‘Chansons en Forme de Puzzle’ (‘Puzzle-shaped songs’).

 In 1991, he becomes a member of the Jazz in Lorraine Regional Orchestra, takes part in the recording of the ‘Invitations de Jazzam’bar’ CD of the Bar Le Duc’s CIM’s Big Band. He also takes part in the Monthureux-sur-Saône’s festival with TBGM (Your Kisses Taste Like Death), a rock band. From 1991 to 2000, he regularly tours with ‘KALIMBA’ each year.

 In 1992, he takes part in the recording of ‘YLLEN 4’ – ‘1, 2 ,3, et…’, and plays with TBGM at the Commercy festival.

 In 1993, he composes ‘la 20ème Pulsation’ (the 20th pulsation) for the 1993 Nancy Jazz Pulsation festival. He takes part in the Commercy festival with Yllen 4 and to a street show with the OSMOSIS band in Lille. In 1994, he takes part in the Robert Hébrard’s musical ‘La romance de Luna’ (Luna’s romance). He is also the ‘Nomadic’ big band’s percussionist, plays with the ‘Sweet Lorraine’ big band and takes part in the TELESCOPAGE street show with MUSICA-BRASS: L’AVANT-GARDE REPUBLICAINE (the republican avant-garde) meets the Canards Sauvages (Wild Ducks).

 In 1995, he forms the ‘CHASS’SPLEEN’ band. He’s its main composer and regularly tours in Lorraine and in Normandy. He joins Luciano PAGLIANI’s BIM ‘Brigades d’Interventions Musicales’ (musical interventions squads), with whom he will perform every year until the year 2000. That same year, he takes part in concerts and animations with YOSHK’O SEFFER, who he met in the Sweet Lorraine Big Band. With Nomadic, he meets the female singer Annick NOZATI.

 In 1996, he forms a duo with the pianist Ivan GRUSELLE (piano, percussion instruments), tours with Chass’Spleen at the Commercy Festival and also at the Lignano Festival in Italy.

 In 1997, he tours with the GRUSELLE / DELTRUC duo at the Vandoeuvre CCAM and at the Metz Trinitaires Festival. With the ‘tapageurs’ (‘noisy people’), a street brass band, he performs in Belfort and Sarreguemines. He takes part in Yvon GRUSELLE’s ‘IMMER-FRISSON’ creation at the 1997 Vandoeuvre Music Action International Festival. With the B.I.M., he plays in festivals in Soulac, Gouvy (Belgium), Uzeste, Clervaux (Luxembourg), Longwy’s Nights. He takes part in Luciano Pagliani’s new musical creation called ‘De Fer et de Feu’ (Iron and Fire) and records the CD ‘Bal pour les Enfants’ (Ball for Children) with ‘Les gens de Lorraine’ (The Lorraine People).

 In 1998, he takes part in the music and cinema festival ‘AYE-AYE NANCY’ with the GRUSELLE / DELTRUC duo. He also plays at the NJP 98 festival’s movie and concert event with Buster Keaton’s The Navigator. He takes part in the ‘Quelques Fiers Mongols’ (a few proud Mongols) brass band on Led Zeppelin music and performs with this band in Neufchâteau and at the Frouard TGP. He plays with the improvised music band ‘ABSTRACK’ at an APHERGIS party in Strasbourg and at the Mulhouse festival. With B.I.M., he plays in the Nancy ‘Nuits Culturelles’ (cultural nights), at the Rians (Gironde) festival, at the Luz-St-Sauveur (Pyrénées) festival, at the Metz Trinitaires festival.

 In 1999, the GRUSELLE / DELTRUC duo performs at the Vandoeuvre MAI festival. With the ‘Quelques Fiers Mongols’, Deltruc plays at the Aurillac festival, the Verfeil-sur-Seille ‘des Croches et de la Lune’ (Eighth  Notes and Moon). With ABSTRACK, he plays at the Mulhouse festival with Jean-Marc Montera and Claude Barthelemy.

 In 2000-2001, ABSTRACK play permanently with Claude Barthelemy and give a concert at the Mulhouse Filature. ABSTRACK and the GRUSELLE / DELTRUC duo take part in the Franche-Comté Jazz competition and get the first and third prizes. With GRADUS AD MUSICAM, Deltruc takes part in the ‘Tapages’ and ‘Hommage à Silvestre Revualtas’ shows, shown at the Nancy Salle Poirel and in Dieue-sur-Meuse. With the ‘Quelques Fiers Mongols’ brass band, he tours in Lyon, Nevers, the New Morning in Paris (during the brass bands festival), Lourdes, Chartres, Loches, Falck, Ligny-en-Barrois, Toul and Ecrouves jails, Tarbes, Puylaurens, Parthenay, Metz. He plays with YARMO, contemporary dance training session at the Nancy Ballet.

 With KALIMBA, he creates a show for children called ‘Oulga et les sons’ (Oulga and the sounds), that is performed in Lorraine and in Saône-et-Loire. AFRICAN SANCTUS starts again with GRADU AD MUSICAM. With ABSTRACT, Deltruc gives several concerts at the Strasbourg Modern Art Museum. With the GRUSELLE / DELTRUC duo, he plays for a movie and concert event on Tod Browning’s ‘Freaks’ as a part of a CCAM-CROUS co-production in Nancy, Metz and Gérardmer. With CU2 ‘Compagnie d’Urgence II’ (Emergency Company II), he creates the ‘Chroniques du Pire’ (Chronicles of the Worst) show (staged readings) with Véronique Deltruc-Mougin and Ivan Gruselle. With the Nancy National Ballet, he takes part in the ‘DRASTIC REMIX’ show, with a choreography by Carole ARMITAGE, a music by Rhys CHATAM, co-produced by the Vandoeuvre André Malraux Cultural Centre and the Nancy National Ballet that will be performed at the Nancy Opera and in the Chateauvallon amphitheatre.  Still in 2001, he joins the improvised music band ‘Et Bizarre’ (And Weird) scheduled to play at the Mulhouse festival.

 With the EMIL 13 collective noun,  he takes part in Ivan Gruselle’s, Pierre Boespflug’s, Joseph Sardin and Jean-Luc Capozzo’s, Jean-Luc Déat and Hervé Perrin’s ‘Cartes Blanches’. He finally creates ‘SPHERE’, a musical in the Charmes country for the ‘Scènes, Territoires et Foyers Ruraux des Vosges’ (Scenes, The Vosges Territories and Rural Homes) association.

 In 2001, he forms the 4 percussion instruments band with Jacques Tellitocci, Charlie Davot and Jérôme Hulin, to answer an order by the EMD label. The work will be created as a part of the Jazz Forum program in Nancy (Forum-Irts) and in Metz (Trinitaires Cellar) in May 2002.

 2005: recording of the album ‘Tambours sans Trompettes’ (Drums without Trumpets) with the TH8 band, produced by the EMD label. (To be released in January 2006)





1, 2, 3, ET … / YLLEN 4

LE BAL DES ENFANTS / Les Gens de Lorraine


DE FER ET DE FEU / Luciano Pagliarini